Personalizing Funeral Home Services
One thing you might think about as you work with funeral homes in Humboldt, IL on traditional services for a loved one is, how can you personalize the services? While funerals go along with certain traditions and customs, your love done was unique and you want their services to be something special that their personality would appreciate. There are lots of things you can do to work with the funeral home in customizing and personalizing the funeral services for your specific loved one. Here are a few options:
Buy The Right Casket
The deceased is present in their casket at the visitation and funeral service. The casket will show for a good deal of those services. You want it to feel like something special for your loved one and choosing a casket that suits them will help. You might get something in a certain style, something with a material that stands out, or even something with customizations on it to make it suit your loved one’s personality.
Showcase Memory Tables
Your loved one likely has a home that has plenty of items in it that they loved. Having a memory table at the funeral can make the whole service feel unique and special, even if the service itself is standard. Put pictures of your loved one on the table along with items they held near and dear. These items can spur memories and smiles from the people visiting the funeral home for their services.
Have A Tribute Video As Part Of The Funeral
You could create a tribute video, and have it play during the funeral with music. Or, you can have a slideshow of pictures that go throughout the service, even before and after. Pictures of your loved one in different stages of their life, doing things they loved with people they loved, can be a very special part of the service. It is often something people remember more than anything else. Plus, you can make copies of the video for people to take home with them if they want to see it again in the future.
Use The Reception
If you know your loved one was a traditional sort, perhaps having things within the funeral service doesn’t feel right. But you can still customize the even through the reception. Host a reception with all of their favorites and scatter pictures of them on the tables. Have a time for people to share memories about your loved one to make it even more personal and special.
If you want your loved one’s final services to be extra customized and special, funeral homes in Humboldt, IL will help you with the process from start to finish. We can tell you what is usually involved in a funeral and then help you move things around to honor your loved one in just the way you want. At Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd, we know your loved one was a unique individual and we want to make that come out at their final service in whatever way you’d like.

Since 1985, Gregory and Sylvia Jerdan have operated the family business with a commitment to serve their community and surrounding area with dignity and respect. They plan to continue into the future as the "people you can rely on, both today and tomorrow".