Funeral Homes Have Changed

Posted on November 2, 2020 by Admin under funeral home
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funeral homes in Mattoon, IL

There aren’t a lot of things in this world that is the same today as they were several decades ago. Things change and adapt with the times. While funeral homes in Mattoon, IL have been around for the whole time, the funeral industry itself has changed to meet new client requirements and accommodate the needs in the market. As society changes, clients change, and that requires funeral homes to adapt to those changes as well. Here are a few things that have changed over the decades.

The Family Makes The Decisions

Now, more than ever, funeral homes are making it the family member’s decision as to what they want to do with their loved one. They empower the family, which can help them to overcome their grief when they are able to honor their loved one in the manner that suits them. In the past, funeral homes didn’t have as many options and there weren’t many decisions to make. Some things were automatic. Today, the family decides everything with the support of the funeral home.

Healthy Grieving Is Promoted

In the past, funeral homes were there to help people get through the final services, but that was about it. Today, funeral homes offer ways to grieve in a healthy manner through grief support resources. They have connections with local support groups, counselors, and even websites. They can give those in mourning advice and help them to get through the grieving process in a healthy manner. They can even offer suggestions to family members who are seeing too much change in someone who is grieving. Healthy grieving is a part of the process of a new normal and funeral homes are there to help in any way they can.

Multi-Functional Facilities

Funeral homes are always going to be there to help with final services, but their facilities have lots of purposes beyond that. They can be used for memorial services and funerals or for celebrations of life. But many people use funeral homerooms for other things as well. They’ve become more of a community center that allows people to use rooms for family reunions, graduation parties, and much more. The facilities are community-related and can be utilized for a number of things.

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Pre-Planning Processes

While it’s not a totally new thing, it’s much more popular now than it ever has been to pre-plan your own final services. Pre-planning is something more people are recognizing as something that can give them peace of mind, and relieve burdens from the family in the future.

While the basics of funeral homes in Mattoon, IL, and their help with final services remain the same, they do a lot more things today than they did in the past. The professionals at Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd are here to help you with anything you need, whether that’s pre-planning, making arrangements for a loved one, or even getting in touch with resources to help a grieving family member or yourself. We’re here to help with lots of things—just ask us—we’re here for you.


Since 1985, Gregory and Sylvia Jerdan have operated the family business with a commitment to serve their community and surrounding area with dignity and respect. They plan to continue into the future as the "people you can rely on, both today and tomorrow".