Valuable Tips for Self-Care When Grieving

Posted on December 6, 2021 by Admin under funeral home
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There’s no doubt that losing a loved one can change everything in an individual’s world, and it can be confusing at times on what is exactly needed to get some relief. Whether you have had to look at funeral homes in Humboldt, IL, or you’ve planned cremation services; the fact remains is that grief is a process that comes in stages, and each one needs to be honored to let the healing proceed. Here are some valuable suggestions, but you can apply them day-to-day.

Get Moving

The human body is a miraculous machine, and the act of exercising can help produce endorphins that have been scientifically proven to elevate mood. Even if it’s a brisk stroll or dancing in your living room, these can all contribute to helping increase feelings of well-being.


Grief is an exhausting emotion to process, and it’s essential to make sure that you’re getting adequate rest. This might mean taking a nap in the middle of the day when you usually wouldn’t or going to bed early. In either situation, it can be highly beneficial for your body to have the adequate time it needs to heal.

Release Your Emotions

One common issue is that individuals may not take the time to process their emotions and feelings. The truth is that more expression and release through tears, art or meaningful conversations with others can help move through the feelings more quickly.

Practice Patience 

Experiencing deep emotions is not only exhausting, but it can make the individual feel inadequate if they’re not able to accomplish everything they did before the loss. Grief has no set time, and it doesn’t work in a linear motion, so practicing mindfulness and patience with the process will help remove some of the stress of wondering how much longer it’s going to take or questioning why you might feel the way you do.

Entertain Yourself 

Another highly beneficial activity is to get out and try to have some fun. This might consist of going with friends out to dinner or staying home and putting on a funny movie or playing a game. You might choose to practice a favorite hobby such as art. The idea is to take the time to let yourself engage in something that is pleasurable and brings you a sense of joy or ease.

funeral homes in Humboldt, IL


One of the most significant factors that can help when going through the grief process is connecting with others. This is particularly true if the individuals have been through the grief process, as it can be highly beneficial to know you’re not alone and what you’re experiencing is normal.

Meaningful and Compassionate

Losing a loved one can take a significant amount of time to process, and it can be complicated even further when you have to plan services simultaneously. When you’re looking at funeral homes in Humboldt, IL, you want a reputable company that understands the complexities that come with planning these events. Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd, has been serving our local community since 1934. We take great pride in offering all our clients the highest level of compassionate care on the market, so give us a call today to get started.


Since 1985, Gregory and Sylvia Jerdan have operated the family business with a commitment to serve their community and surrounding area with dignity and respect. They plan to continue into the future as the "people you can rely on, both today and tomorrow".