If you need to Purchase a Cemetery Plot, here are Facts and Considerations About Them
After a loved one has passed away and it’s time to start contacting funeral homes in Humboldt, IL, one consideration will be purchasing the final resting place for the loved one. There’s a lot of information about plots, so we have narrowed down some of the more popular and common options to help give you a better idea and choose the right one for your loved one.
Plot Basics
The cemetery plots have multiple things to consider aside from the cost; many things are going to affect your decision, including:
- The location that you need the plot to be in
- If there are any religious or cultural traditions to consider
- Rules or regulations that the cemetery may have
- Your loved one’s last wishes
The cost will vary, and it can start at hundreds of dollars and go up into the thousands depending on the location choice and the details included in the experience. Some mausoleums or columbariums may be on-site, and these are going to have a different set of fees as well because they charge for opening and closing and the care and other services that go with them.
In most situations, you will need to purchase a burial vault or grave liner because they help prevent the earth from caving in on the gravesite. The average cost of a casket will range between $2000 and $5000 and can go even higher depending on the level of design you want to be included.
Other Considerations
There are also personal considerations you are going to need to take in, and just a few to think about before making the purchase are:
- Do they allow for artificial flowers to be left behind?
- What kind of containers are approved for leaving fresh floral bouquets?
- Do they allow for decorations such as flags, lights, or holiday styles?
- Do they allow any landscaping?
- Are pets allowed in the cemetery?
- Will the hours of operation work for your needs?
- Are there any restrictions for the cemetery around the plot purchase?
- Do they allow any memorials or monuments?
- If the headstone is damaged, who is responsible for it?
- If you have multiple loved ones that want to be buried together, will they allow two people to be placed in the same plot or niche in the columbarium?
- If you choose cremation, will the remains be allowed to be buried?
- What is the location of the plot? In addition, is the area subject to flooding, how far from the road is it, and how flat is the site?
Professional and Exceptional Care
This is just a small amount of information about cemetery plots and burial options after a loved one has passed on, so if you need more support or ideas, you can consider contacting one of the funeral homes in Humboldt, IL. To get the job done successfully, you want to ensure you have the highest quality help on the market, and we would love to assist you through the process. We are locally owned and trusted, so contact us today for an appointment.

Since 1985, Gregory and Sylvia Jerdan have operated the family business with a commitment to serve their community and surrounding area with dignity and respect. They plan to continue into the future as the "people you can rely on, both today and tomorrow".