Etiquette for Funeral Announcements on Social Media

Posted on November 15, 2021 by Admin under funeral home
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Social media is a regular go-to for individuals to announce all aspects of their lives. It not only creates a connection between family and friends who live far away but allows for multiple individuals to see announcements all at once.

If you have recently lost a loved one and are looking at funeral homes in Mattoon, IL, any of the media platforms might seem like the ideal place to let people know the person is deceased. By following proper etiquette rules and understanding the need for sensitivity, it is possible to make the announcement this way, so here are some tips to help you.

Checking In

One of the biggest concerns about announcing on a platform is who might be taking in the information. If the individual passing away was expected, it’s one thing, but if someone reads the post and has no idea there was a problem, it can create emotional distress.

This is even more important if the individual is from someone else family. In some cases, they may be trying to keep the loss private for various reasons, so really, it’s up to them if they want others to know. We always recommend checking with the family before making any posts or announcements about a loss.

Being Mindful

Understand that making this kind of statement can cause distress in people when they are reading it. It’s good to take the time to create a well-thought-out document that is appropriate and respectful about the individual. Offering specific information such as the services and any dates and times is a priority. In addition, you will want to wait until the family members have given out details and let anyone else know before giving the information out.

funeral homes in Mattoon, IL


When people are trying to announce as someone has passed away, there may be a tendency to overcomplicate with extra words. It’s good to consider who will be reading the information and to keep any details straightforward and to the point to reduce confusion. You also need to be mindful if your profile is set to private or public before leaving the states.

You may also check with the family and see if there’s any media or images they would like to have listed with the post. It’s also recommended to put any pictures up to make sure that they are of just the deceased and to keep the sole focus on them.

We are here to Support you

There is no doubt that losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences an individual can endure. Combining that with finding funeral homes in Mattoon, IL, to choose from can make it a tough decision to know where to start. There are multiple aspects of planning, and it may feel overwhelming trying to create an event that honors your loved one. Mitchell-Jordan Funeral Home Ltd. wants you to know that we serve our community with compassionate support and care. We pride ourselves on offering the highest level of customer service on the market, so give us a call today and we can help you get started.


Since 1985, Gregory and Sylvia Jerdan have operated the family business with a commitment to serve their community and surrounding area with dignity and respect. They plan to continue into the future as the "people you can rely on, both today and tomorrow".