Being Good To Yourself During Grief

Posted on October 28, 2019 by Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd. under funeral home
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While graduating from high school or college and getting a big promotion at work feel like accomplishments, grief really doesn’t. After you work with funeral homes in Charleston, IL and have final services for a loved one, you might feel out of balance and not like your old self. The routine you go through every day isn’t different, but you feel like you’re going through the motions and just trying to survive, hour by hour. Keep in mind that getting through a day, a minute, an hour really is an accomplishment and give yourself kudos for that.

funeral home in Charleston, IL

Surviving grief is no easy task. It takes time and the ability to face things one step at a time. When you wake up in the morning, remind yourself of that and at night, give yourself credit for everything you dealt with—and survived—that day. You’re stronger than you think you are, and you can do a lot more than you imagine.

When tragedy hits, it’s tempting to compare yourself to other people who have gone through similar things. You might feel like you are more limited than they were, but when you put expectations and timelines on yourself, you make dealing with the grief even harder. You will process things in your own time and in your own way. Comparing yourself to someone who went through it and came out the other side with more ease does you no good.

While you’d like to get back to normal, you might set up a five-step process for yourself so you can get back to the person you used to be. However, not everyone needs all five steps of grief and not everyone takes them in the same order. Instead of trying to force yourself into a pattern and schedule, congratulate yourself on getting through another day. When that days turns into a week, celebrate that and so on. Comparison will steal your joy in what you have accomplished—don’t let it!

It’s not easy to get through grief, but keep in mind that you are growing throughout the experience. Life will get easier than it is initially after you lose someone and you should celebrate the fact that you are surviving even the hardest days you are facing.

When you need to organize final services with funeral homes in Charleston, IL, contact the professionals at Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd. We can not only help you honor your loved one, but we can also set you up with grief resources so you can get the support you need to take your grief at your own pace and in your own way. You can do this! Give us a call at (217) 234-8828 and place your loved ones in good hands. They’ll get nothing but respect and dignity from us as we honor what they meant to your life. Visit with our funeral director in person and let’s celebrate the little milestones together at 1200 Wabash Ave Mattoon, IL 61938.

Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd.

Since 1985, Gregory and Sylvia Jerdan have operated the family business with a commitment to serve their community and surrounding area with dignity and respect. They plan to continue into the future as the "people you can rely on, both today and tomorrow".

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